Please add a reset button, also get rid of the rule here if a ninja dies they lose belt progress.
Please add a reset button, also get rid of the rule here if a ninja dies they lose belt progress.
Even with the just losing 1 level thing if they die it still sucks because u can win a fight but if your ninja died they lose a level and its stupid change it back to normal please
This game had me hooked since I started. Lots of details, a well system of attacking and defending. There is lots of statistics that might not make sense but that allows for a ton of improvement. This whole game has lots of areas that could be improved. Games that do this well is honorbound should look into it. Its still a worthy game to play but yet it needs tons of work especially on the karma coins and money usage basically money is useless in the game needs improvement please improve it.
This game is so much but wth do my weapons just magically disappear?!? Fix this ASAP
So I am a long time lover of ninja warz and ninja warz 2 was a fun and more interesting spin on the game. However, I returned after a long break from many facebook/mobile games, and apparently if you lose a SINGLE battle or a SINGLE ninja dies in battle, you drop a belt stripe or a color (ie youre a orange 2-stripe belt and you lose, you become a orange 1-stripe belt) and its so ruthless because every person you can attack has like rainbow belts in 1000 colors you have no chance at reaching. And unlike the last game where you have a relic that gets you karma every day (making it so you can forget about the game for 2 years and come back and max out every single ninja you have and buy every kicka** weapon they have) you consume a relic for every defense and every offense! You have freaking red belts and gold belts and 7th variation of purple in every team! I lost my orange belt (1st variation of orange idk how many levels of mandarin and red-orange and nonsense you can achieve) and now have to feed the companys wet dreams to be able to compete against anything other than the training dummies on your own bloody island. Conclusion: Im sticking with ninja warz 1 where I stand a fraction of a chance by going and living my life instead of playing
I really hate the facts tht when my ninjas die they lose belt stripes which I use a lot of karma to get back I think u developers should add something like if u win the battle and maybe like a ninja died and the others survived and won the battle the ninja that died should not lose belt progress but if u do lose then ur dead ninjas can lose belt progress another thing I think you developers can add is amount of karma received from level ups the whole 20 karma thing is just not enough if u are trying to grow ur army of ninjas u need more karma earnings but the game is okay in any other way I hope u read this message and maybe add what I ask and sure of what many people ask
This is a bad game compared to its first successor, Ninja Warz. There are many problems, and i will list the ones i feel stand out from the rest. 1. Achievements are much harder to earn, and are all based off of combat, leaving bad players to remain at the bottom. 2. When one of your ninjas is defeated, it is "dishonored" which makes sense equal to zero. When you lose a fight, you shouldnt become weaker. It would be way better if ninjas didnt dishonor, but they broke limbs and they were weakened for a limited time. 3. Upgrades. A daimyo isnt something you can upgrade. And when you go to a store, there are no upgrades. A dojo is slightly more understandable but this isnt a game of life. Keep it simple. 4. Battles. I prefer ninjas fight randomly and dont have fighting styles. It makes the game much less immersive for players. One good thing is items can be picked up. But there arent any good tournaments and when a player wants to sell something, it tells them that they dont have that item. 5. Relics. This is the worst thing i have seen. The game is completely changed because of the idea of relics being destroyed. Something that is a remnant and survivor of something shouldnt be destroyed in battle. Also, the bonuses make them something everyone wants removed.
I work so hard trying to get money and karma but sometimes items you get will kinda stinks when you lose +10k gold trying to buy an item you want, they better fix this
Its a fun game, Im almost level 30 now the game keeps crashing and wont even load
Good game! I used to always play Ninja Warz until I got too high in rankings in was no fun. But Ninja Warz 2 is new and just great. I would be perfect if there could be adde bonuses from recently playing NW1 on Facebook and if it didnt crash every 1m30s.
This game is awesome! But it really needs chatting... Otherwise its really hard to start a successful clan
Great game that you should definitely play!
Hi, I play this game a lot and I think it is really repetive and have too much bug.
I never would of found this game if it wasent for easye. :)
its really a great game but I dont like how it takes away your relics when you battle with them
I want to restart my game
Love it! But perhaps we could choose our clan? Like on the original
Cool game but were is the restart you should make an up date so you can restart you game
I have started on facebook, and when i try to connect it sais already asosiated with another account, plz fix and pardon my grammer
where the hell is a restart button